Royal New Zealand Naval Reserve * Promoting Comradeship * Preserving History

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Facebook: HMNZS Ngaponga Association

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Rule 1          Patron
A Patron is defined as one who acts a benefactor to the Association with the expectation that the person will support the Association in the achievement of it's goals and will advocate for the Association when the opportunity presents or on request by the President.
1 Person is officially invited from the Executive Committee by letter and of his/her requirements in the role
2 Appointment for one year at a time and elected at the AGM
3 Patron may not be a bona fide member of the Association
4 Patron has no voting rights or day to day running of the Association
5 Direction is given by the Executive of the association
Removal from Office
1 Resignation from this role at their free will
2 Becoming medically incapacitated
3 Death
4 May lose touch over time
5 Becomes a liability
6 Is convicted of a serious criminal offence
7 Becomes bankrupt
Rule 2           Job Description of the President
The role of thePresident is to provide the principle leadership and responsibility for the organisation and the committee.
The President sets the overall annual committee agenda (consistent with the views of members), helps the committee priorities its goals and then keeps the committee on track by working within that overall framework. At the operational level, the major function of the President is to facilitate effective committee meetings
Desirable attributes
The President should
•  Be well informed of all organisation activities and able to provideoversight
•  Be a person who can develop good relationships internally and externally
Be forward thinking and committed to meeting the overall goals of the Association
•  Have a good working knowledge of the committee, constitution , rules and duties of office bearers
•  Be able to work collaboratively with other committee members
•  Be a good listener and attuned to the interests of members and other interested groups
Be a good role model and a positive image for the Association in representing the committee in other forums
•  Be a competent public speaker
•  Send out monthly newsletters to members of activities and news
Specific duties indude but are not limited to
Chair committee meetings ensuring that they are run efficiently and effectively
Organise and chair the annual general meetinga nd any special meetings of the members
Act as a signatory for the Associationin all legal purposes and financial purposes
Regularly focus the committee's attention on matters of the Association governance that relate to its own structure
Periodically consult with committee members on their role, to see how they are going and
   help them to optimize their contribution
•  Work with the committee to ensure
    1 The necessary skills are represented on the committee and that a succession. plan is in place to help find new committee members when required
    2 Goals and relevant strategic and business plans are developed in order to achieve the goals of the Association
Serve as a spokesperson for the Association when required
Communicate regularly and systematically with other Naval Divisions and the Navy
Will work with the Patron providing guidance/communication to assure that the Patron's efforts are expended to meet the needs of the Association.
Rule 3           Job Desciption for Secretary
TheSecretary is directly responsible to the President of HMNZS Ngapona Association and the members of the Association
Responsibilities and Duties
The Secretary should
Prepare the agenda for committee meetings in consultation with the President
Make arrangements including venue, date, times and hospitality for committee meetings
Send adequate notice of the meetings
Collect and collate reports from office bearers
Call for and receive nominations for committees and other positions for the Association AGM
Take minutes of meetings
Write up the minutes as soon as possible after the meeting
Read, reply and file correspondence promptly
Collate and arrange for the printing of the annual report
Maintain registers of members names ,addresses, email, phone numbers
Maintain files of legal documents such as constitutions, rules and titles
File appropriate forms to government agencies or other bodies
Knowledge and Skills required
   Ideally the Secretary is someone who
Can communicate effectively
ls well organisedand can delegate tasks
Can maintain confidentiality on relevant matters
Has a good working knowledge of the constitution and rules
ls experienced in taking of meeting minutes
Rule 4            Treasurer Job Description
The role of the Treasurer is to be responsible for the financial supervision of the Association to allow the committee to provide good governance. The Treasurer is responsible to regularly report on the Association financial status to both the President,Committee and the Association members.
Responsibilities and Duties
Prepare a budget and monitor it carefully
Keep the Association's books up to date
Keep a proper record of all payments and monies received
Make sure financial reports are available and understood at all committee meetings
Show evidence that money received is banked and documentation provided for all money paid out
Ensure that information for a review is prepared each year
Arrange the review
Give Treasurer's report at regular meetings and when required
Produce an annual financial report
Pay the bills Knowledge and Skills required
Well organised
Able to allocate regular time periods to maintain the books
Able to keep good records
Able to work in a logical orderly manner
Aware of information, which needs to be kept for the annual review
Has sound book keeping experience
Rule 5            The Role of the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee's key purpose is to ensure the prosperity of the Association by collectively directing the Association affairs, while meeting the appropriate interests of the membership and other relevant stakeholders. It is for the Executive Committee to judge, on a case by case basis, which stake holders it treats as relevant and which of their interests it is appropriate to meet, taking into account the law, relevant regulations, commercial considerations, and the wishes of the members. The wishes of the members are usually sought at either an annual or special general meeting.
The major responsibility of the Executive Committee is the overall performance of the Association and is directly accountable to members in this regard
The focus is on ensuring that services to members and activities of the Association are provided within the funding that the Association can generate. In simple terms the organisation must operate a surplus of income to fund its core activities.
Tasks of the Executive Committee
It is, of course, impossible to list every task that the Executive Committee has to carry out. However, the performance of the Executive Committee can be helped greatly by focusmg on four key areas
Establishing vision, mission, and values
Determine the Association vision and mission to guide and set the pace for current operations and future development
Determine the values to be promoted throughout the organisation
Determine and review the Association goals
Determine Association Policy
Setting strategy and structure
Review and evaluate present and future opportunities, threats and risks in the external environment, and current and future strengths, weaknesses and risks relating to the Association.
Determine strategic options, select those to be pursued, and decide the means to implement and support.
Determine the business strategies and plans that underpin the Association strategy
Ensure the Association organisational structure and capabilities are appropriate for implementing the chosen strategies
Delegating operational activity
Delegate authority to certain committee members and monitor and evaluate the implementation of policies, strategies and business plans
Ensure that internal controls are effective
Exerctsing accountabilty to membership and being responsible to relevant stakeholders
Ensure communications both to and from the membership and relevant stakeholders are effective
•  Understand and take into account the interests of the membership and relevant  stakeholders
Monitor relations with the membership and relevant stakeholders by the gathering and evaluation of appropriate information
Promote the goodwill and support of the membership and relevant stakeholders
Rule 6            Standing Orders for the Conduct of General Meetings
1   Members will assemble at the time and place appointed. The President shall preside at all meetings.
     In the absence of the President, the meeting shall appoint a member to be chairman
2 The Secretary will take the necessary steps to see that none but financial members, Honorary Life members and Honorary members of the Association are present.
Full minutes of all proceedings of the meeting shall be kept by the Secretary or his/her appointee
    Business of Meeting
The business shall be as advertised and the order in which items of business are taken shall be as determine by the Chairman or by resolution of the members present
    Notice of Motion
5 (a)  Motions must be fairly written and signed by the members proposing such motions  .
         A motion moved and seconded shall be writdrawn only by leave of the meeting
   (b)  Any notice of motion not seconded may not be further debated, but shall forthwith lapse
         and no entry thereof shall be made in the minutes
   (c) The terms of a motion may be altered by the proposer with the approval of the seconder, and such amended motion shall be fairly written and delivered to the chairman.
    Superseding Motion
A motion may be superseded
  (a)  By the adjournment of a meeting. either on the motion of a member "That this meeting do now adjourn", or on notice being taken, and it appearing,
        .that a quorum is not present. 
  (b)  By a motion being carried "That the meeting proceed to the next business"'
  (c)  By an amendment
    Conduct of Debate
Every member shall obey the orders and rulings of the Chairman. If any member refuses to obey any such order, such member may thereupon, by resolution of the meeting, 
    be held guilty of contempt, and such member may be suspended at the discretion of the meeting.  
  Time Limit of Speeches

  The Proposer of a motion shall be allowed ten minutes in which to address the meeting, and his seconder five minutes. All other members shall have five minutes. The proposer

     shall be entitled to a reply of five minutes

  Special General Meetings
9 (a)  All General Meetings other than Annual shall be a Special General Meetings. The Executive Committee may, whenever it thinks fit, and shall upon a requisition in writing
          by at least 10% of financial members convene a Special General Meeting.
          Any such requisition shall specify the objects of the meeting requisitioned, shall be signed by the members making the same, and shall be deposited with the Secretary of the 
          Association.The meeting must be convened only for the purposes specified in the requisition in case the Executive Committee for 14 days after the receipt of such a requisition, 
          fails to convene a a Special General Meeting to be held within 21 days from the receipt of such a requisition, the members making such requisition or a majority of the may
          themselves convene a meeting to be held not later than three calendar months after the date of the requisition
    (b)  Seven day's notice specifying the place the day and hour of any Special General Meeting and the purpose for which it is to be held shall be given by email to members of the
           As Association.
  Method of Voting
10 (a) Every question submitted to and General Meeting of the Association or to any meeting of the Executive Committee shall be decided in the first instance on voices or by a show of                      hands. Subject to the provisions every member present sharl be entitled to record one vote and no more upon every question. In case of an equality of votes the Chairman shall,
 of the.         whether upon a vote being taken by a show of hands or by a ballot as hereinafter provided for, have a second or casting vote
    (b) Unless a ballot is demanded by the Chairman or by at least three members present, a declaration by the Chairman that a resolution has been carried or lost and an entry that effect in                the minute book shall be conclusive evidence of the fact without proof of the number of votes recorded in favour of or against such resolution.
    (c}  lf a ballot is demanded it shall be taken in such a manner and at such a time as the Chairman of the meeting may direct and the result of the ballot shall be deemed to be a resolution                the meeting at which the ballot was demanded.
    (d) Votes may be given personaly or by proxy votes though an proxy appointee.
  Adjournment of Meetings
11   The Chairman of any meeting may with the consent of that meeting adjourn the meeting from time to time andf rom place to place but no business shall be transacted at any adjourned             meeting other than the business left unfinished at the meeting from which the adjournment took place.
  Notice of Motion
12 Any notice of motion must be in the hands of the Secretary at least 21 days before the meeting at which the motion is intended to be moved.
Rule 7           Disciplinary Action
The Executive Committee shall have the power to call on any member for an explanation of any charge of misconduct, within the provision of these rules, laid against him/her by any member   or for any other sufficient cause.
On receipt of a complaint ( or complaints ) of misconduct against any member the Executive Committee shall meet to consider the issue. Should the complaint be considered as vexatious, frivolous, or totally without foundation, the committee may choose to disregard the complaint. Whether the committee chooses to advise the member about whom the complaint has been made, will be dependent on the circumstances and is at the discretion of the committee. In any event, the complainant will be advised of the outcome.
Should the complaint appear to be justified, the committee wilt notify the member in writing of the complaint, and give him/her such particulars of the complaint as are available giving the member a reasonable opportunity to provide an initial response or explanation in relation to the comptaint, in writing or orally.
Once the reply has been received or if not received then in a reasonable time, the Executive Committee will meet to consider the issue and to make a decision as to the following:
As to whether an interim suspension of the member is appropriate
As to whether a censure is the more appropriate action
As to whether the matter is not so serious as to warrant expulsion but may warrant suspension, and
As to whether the matter is so serious that, if the complaint is proved, expulsion is a possible outcome, or
A  Interim Susspension
Where an interim suspension is considered appropriate, this is to be conveyed to the member in writing, a time period speciified and the reason for the suspension. Commonly, this would be due to the significance of the complaint and to allow time for the Committee to investigate the circumstances more fully to allowa better judgement regarding which disciplinary action is appropriate.
B. Censure
Where it is considered that a censure is the appropriate action, this is to be delivered by the President of the Association either orally, in writing or by both. Once this has occurred, the complainant is to be advised. It is intended that no further action be forthcoming.
C. Suspension
    Where the Executive Committee has received a complaint, but does not consider the matter so serious that expulsion is a possible outcome:  
(i) The Executive Committee may (but is not obliged to delegate) its powers to the hearing of the complaint to a Disciplinary Committee

(ii) If so appointed, the Disciplinary Committee shall consist of a minimum of three and a maximum of five members of the Association ( and not necessarily members of the               

      Executive Committee) and

(iii  TheDisciplinary Committee shall follow al! of the procedural steps required of the Executive Committee as for expulsion Steps D1 (i) - 4, but shall not have the power to impose expulsion
(iv) Whether the matter is heard by the Executive Committee, or by a Disciplinary  Committee,         
       either Committee shall have the power to suspend the member for a period not exceeding12 months
D. Expulsion
 l.   Where the Executive Committee considers that the matter should proceed to a hearing, and that expulsion is a possible outcome if the complaint is proved,
      the Executive Committee shall,
(i)   Convene a formal hearing of a Disciplinary Committee to hear and consider the complaint
(ii)  Provide the member with reasonable notice, in writing, of the time and place of such hearing. Such notification shall clearly state the purpose of the hearing, and shall include
      # details of complaint
      # copies of any relevant documents or correspondence
      # notification of the fact that expulsion is a possible outcome
2.  In conveningnand conducting the hearing, the Disciplinary Committee shall follow the rules of natural justice,which require that the member be giving a full and fair opportunity to present his or her resonse to the complaint. If the member wishes         to be represented at the hearing by a lawyer, the Disciplinary Committee shall fully consider such request,
     and make a ruling as to whether legal representation shall be permitted
3. If, following the hearing, the Disciplinary Committee considers that the complaint has been proven (on the balance of probabilities}, the Executive Committee shall
 (a)  advise the member of its findings as to the complaint
 (b}  give the member the opportunity to make representations as to penalty or outcome.
 (c}  after steps (a) and (b) have been completed, deliver its decision as to whether the member is expelled or suspended ( or neither )
4,  For clarity, it is recorded that
 (a)  TheExecutive Committee has the power to either expel or suspend, and in cases. It deems appropriate, to impose an interim suspension prior to the hearing
 (b)  The Executive Committee is not obliged to impose suspension or expulsion, even tf it finds the complaint(s) to have been proved
E. Appeals against suspension or expulsion
A member expelled, or suspended for more than one month shall have the right to appeal the decision to a tribunal of not less than three, nor more than five persons to be appointed by the Executive Committee
Members of the tribunal shall be members of the Association but not of the Executive Committee and should if possible include at least one member of the legal profession, who is a member of the Association
Written notice of Appeal shall be given to the Executive Committee within one month after the date of the decision expelling or suspending such member
The tribunal shall have wide discretion to determine the procedure which it will follow
 (i)   It may decide to completely rehear the evidence in the matter, or
 (ii) It may decide the matter on basis only of the record of the hearing of the Executive Committee or its appointed Disciplinary Committee. Should no record be available then the evidence shall be reheard
 (iii) It may agree to hear, or consider, evidence in addition to that put forward at the Disciplinary hearing, in whatever form it deems fit
 (iv) The tribunal may dismiss or allow the appeal or vary the decision
 (v) The decision of the tribunal shall be final